Friday, May 6, 2011

A Closer Look

Now that I addressed the legality issue ever so briefly I now would like to look at the substance of the leaked emails and some thoughts-

Fester says- “Fr Bob (Kondratick) says that your health reports are great that you are in remission.”

= Fester and Kondratick are in communication.

= Kondratick and Nikolai are in communication.

= Kondratick and Nikolai both sued the OCA.

= Kondratick and Nikolai both were removed from duties surrounding their immorality and ultimately their failure to cooperate with the OCA’s processes for settling these matters.

= Fester is or was at the time functioning as an assistant to Met. Jonah while maintain communication with these two men.

= Fester was assistant to Kondratick who was responsible for covering up for the “Lavender Mafia” of Syosset.

This should spook everyone because we now know the Dark Wizard’s team is made up of immoral men who have sued the Church and participated in the “Lavender Mafia” .

Bp. Nikolai says- “As much as I am despised by some I always did what was right. May God have mercy. I should have been sent to the DOS.”

= Nikolai was the only OCA bishop to experience a well-publicized “gay bimbo eruption” when his Chancellor, the youngest man ever made an Archimandrite and a Chancellor in the OCA, ended up having a meltdown.

= Nikolai is still scheming to become a functioning bishop.

= Nikolai wants to bump Bp. Mark rather than have Alaska back.

What weird is that there is no one on the OCA Holy Synod that supported Nikolai’s escapades but he wants to rejoin the Synod? No he does not.  He wants to be a bishop but he does not want to be part of a synod. Nikolai wants power without accountability which is part of the canonical argument for him being removed from office. Don’t forget how he routinely suspended clergy without affording them spiritual courts and failed to report these suspensions per the Holy Synod’s procedures.

Fester says- “Keep up the pressure on BB. (Bishop Benjamin). You can help by keeping him out of Jonah’s way and on the defensive.”

= Fester wants to use a bishop tied up with a gay scandal for his own purposes.

= Fester sees Bishop Benjamin as a major obstacle to his purposes.

Benjamin was the head of the SIC and thus brought down the corrupt regime which Fester was a part.  He also cracked up the “Lavender Mafia” in Syosset which made way for Met. Jonah to be elected. Now that Fester has Jonah’s ear he wants to move Benjamin out of the way.  You will see why next.

Fester says- “They have no canonical cause and they need to take you off retirement and put you back to work for the Church.”

= Fester thinks that the Church’s canons permit a bishop to sue the Church in secular court (NOT!).

= Fester thinks a bishop who has a pattern of disobeying the Holy Synod is fit for office.

= Fester thinks a bishop who has an inappropriate relationship with a young clergyman is fit for office.

= Fester thinks that Nikolai’s total lack of taking responsibility for alienating nearly his entire diocese makes him a perfect comrade.

= Fester thinks Nikolai deserves $11 million for ‘wrongful termination’ and ‘emotional distress’ from all of us.

Nikolai does not want that report out there either even though he has a ‘pirated copy’ because he knows it is damning.  Fester is certain to know what is in it but still wants Nikolai around.  Ew.

Nikolai says- “I might add that there were few clergy and no hierarchs on the Synod supporting me as their bishop. That report of sorts written by Archpriest Garklavs was never given to me-never! I received it from pirated sources as I did many other documents during this process.

= Nikolai routinely received stolen documents.

= Fester does not protest this which makes him seem comfortable with this.

= Nikolai still wants power even though he knows no one wants him back.

Nikolai says- “Look at SIC even to this day they have proven nothing against Protopresbyter Rodion Kondratick whose deposition I vehemently opposed. His worst crime is being loyal to his church and her first hierarch.

= Nikolai thinks that Kondratick was innocent of immorality.

=Nikolai thinks that Kondratick was prosecuted for being loyal to Met. Theodosius.

= Nikolai links Kondratick’s immoral actions to Theodosius.

This is one of the most damning and revealing of all that Mark Stokoe has put out. Right here we see Nikolai the obtainer of insider information confirming that Kondratick’s immoral conduct was directly linked to the sitting hierarch of the time.

Nikolai says- Attacks against my character was the easiest way to destroy me. My Father told me when I still a teenager that when your character is destroyed nothing is left, to always be honorable. I have always been honorable to my oath and have always followed the canonical norm in the church. Had I not done that don’t you think these men so intent to destroy would have brought charges against me?

= Nikolai thinks it is honorable to sue the Church for $11 million which comes out of the pockets of the people.

=Nikolai thinks it is honorable to have a gay bimbo eruption.

= Nikolai thinks it is honorable to scheme for another bishop’s diocese.

= Nikolai thinks it is honorable to mistreat his clergy and laity.

= Nikolai thinks it is honorable to constantly indulge in self-pity.

= Nikolai thinks it is honorable to gossip about the dirt he has on Bishop Benjamin.

We ought not imagine what he thinks dishonorable conduct looks like.

Nikolai says- “Who brokered the pay-off? None other than the diocesan administrative assistant Vincent Petersen! Don’t you think they are beholding to him?"

= Nikolai knows that his ‘friend’ Bishop Tikhon approved and authorized the payoff.

= Nikolai thinks that Tikhon was a sucker for approving the settlement.

= Nikolai thinks that bishops are not responsible for major decisions in their dioceses.  Just their assistants. See Kondratick above.

Here’s the dialogue between Bishop Mark and Fester-
Bishop: His Beatitude agreed to a LOA. I heard it with my own ears.

Fester: Vladyka, please. nothing was signed. He is not on a leave. Don’t get sucked into something by Benjamin and Melchesedek.(sic) It was all set up ahead of time. It was a trap. The information is there.“

= Fester thinks that words do not count.

= Fester decries a ‘plan’ by Benjamin and Melchizedek but won’t come clean with Mark that he is plotting with Nikolai.

This is the ultimate hypocrisy to afford himself the rights to conspire with an immoral bishop while denouncing others for doing the EXACT same thing.

Fester says- “I don’t want you to get hurt. Please believe me”

= Fester is planning to hurt anyone who opposes his plan for Jonah.

= Fester is playing up as Mark’s friend while chatting with Nikolai, who’s dreaming of replacing Mark.

What is the most disturbing thing here is that all of the discussions center not on the good of the Church but the good of the people trying to get things from the Church. For example can anyone argue that bringing Kondratick back to the priesthood is good for the Church? Was Nikolai good for Alaska and would they be better off with him?  In the end Nikolai himself acknowledged that he had no chance of going back there. He wants to be a bishop but he does not want to be accountable and he certainly can not demonstrate that he cares about people. He cares about the canons but not the people the canons are supposed to minister to and serve.

The Dark Wizard serves only his own interests and those of his Dark Master Kondratick.  The OCA is just a vehicle for their egos and their stomachs.

I add that Nikolai’s chancellor, the very broken gay clergyman, was shattered by the pressure both of his office and Nikolai’s overbearing character. He was a tragic pawn used by Nikolai and cast off. The Holy Synod took responsibility for allowing Nikolai to elevate him by trying to rehabilitate him. But Nikolai is responsible for taking a sexually confused young man into his ‘embrace’ and making him responsible for the chancellorship of an entire diocese when he had no practical knowledge of either parish life or even basic human relations.  His drunken revelations were tragic, even more since they became the fodder of Stokoe’s site.

But I doubt that Dreher and Michelopulos refused to read the accounts and come to their conclusions about the ‘Lavender mafia’.

They need to wake up and realize who is using them.

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